It’s National Clean Up Your Computer Month

nullI didn't believe it either, but after some research it’s official…an authority no less reputable than “The Vinegar Institute” declared January as a national holiday to clean up your computer.

In light of this holiday, I thought I'd take the time to answer a small but nagging question, "How do I get those smudges, dust, and fingerprints safely off of my flat screen monitor?"

Although each monitor manufacturer has its own special instructions for cleaning, there are some common guidelines you can use to get your screen looking like new in no time.

  • Turn off the monitor . It’s not required, but it makes smudges and smears easier to see.
  • Use a cotton cloth or compressed air to get rid of light dust buildup. Never use a rag or paper towel to clean since they can scratch the screen.
  • Don't use products with ethyl alcohol or ammonia-based products . Products like Windex can yellow flat-screen or laptop monitors.
  • Use water or a homemade mix to clean grungy surfaces . If water is not enough, concoct a cleaning solution of 1 part water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol, and 1/2 part vinegar.
  • Lightly moisten your cloth with the cleaning solution . Never apply the liquid directly to the screen.
  • Wipe the cloth in one direction – from top to bottom. This method will ensure grime and dust move to the bottom of the screen surface where it can be wiped away.

One final guideline, never touch or press on your LCD screen with your fingers as this can cause the pixels to burn out. Happy cleaning!

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